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On Thursday 15 June 2023 the Group took potted plants and cuttings to Echuca Neighbourhood House in Landsborough St to be given to the recent flood victims from the last 2 years, to hopefully reconstruct their gardens. We provided 150 plants approx for about 30 flood relief victims from Rochester, Echuca, Barmah and surrounds. Also provided by donation was brooms, mops and gumboots. This was coordinated by Flood Relief person Cheryl Lee who thought this was a wonderful idea, together with Kim our President and our many members who contributed plants and volunteering on the day. The day was very successful, with many outside plant donations to. with Cheryl Lee saying that she has had much feedback from grateful people, with many in tears. The ongoing issues with insurance and shortage of builders has been very stressfull, so this random act of kindness touched them all. We are hoping to do this again in September in Rochester, with hopefully more people back in their houses? and the warmer weather for planting more. This will unfortunately be a long road for them. Our group should be very proud of our efforts. Thankyou one and all.